Advance Care Planning

The ultimate goal of Advance Care Planning is to help you capture your wishes regarding health care and dying, to ensure your goals are respected and met.
There are some tools we use, such as:
Advance Care Planning (ACP)
Goals of Care (GoC)
Person-Centered Decision Making (PCDM)
These essential tools should be considered carefully, ideally before a life-limiting diagnosis, or at minimum when a diagnosis is received.
Specially trained Hospice Muskoka volunteers can assist with completing these documents.
Call Hospice Muskoka at (705)-646-1697 ext. 202 or email jcharters@hospicemuskoka.com to request services.
Palliative Options
End of Life Care
End-of-life care is given to people who are nearing the end of their life or who have stopped treatment to cure or control their disease. It involves developing a treatment plan that addresses the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support needs of patients and their families.
The goal of end-of-life care is to make individuals as comfortable as possible through quality care and effective pain management strategies, while honouring the end-of-life care choices they have made.
Hospice Muskoka abides by provincial regulations & logistics - as all health care agencies with accreditation do - and adheres to the standards of care defined by HPCO.
Death and dying can be difficult subjects to think and talk about. Making a decision about Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) can be equally challenging and you may need help at many points along the way. It’s important to talk to someone who can help inform you about your options – a doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care provider. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) is a federally approved procedure in which a patient is given medication to intentionally and safely end their life.
To consider a form request for MAID you will need to speak with your doctor or nurse practitioner. A care coordination service is available to clinicians, patients and caregivers looking for information and help to facilitate access to MAID.
Hospice Muskoka abides by provincial regulations & logistics - as all health care agencies with accreditation do - and adheres to the standards of care defined by HPCO.
Respite Care
Respite care is designed to give at-home caregivers an opportunity to rest and recover from the demands of providing daily in-home care. It offers a break from the responsibilities of looking after your loved one full time so you can attend to everyday activities, visit when you choose, or just relax.
Andy’s House will offer short-term stays for clients of up to 2 weeks, free of charge.
Respite clients will receive the same care and support services as hospice clients including access to a private room, meals, laundry, social activities and medical attention.
Dispelling the Myths
A few of the myths that we hear when we talk with clients and their families:
“Receiving hospice palliative care means you (or your doctor) have given up hope and you’ll die soon”
“Hospice care is just for seniors”
“Hospice care is the same for everyone and only available at the end of life”
“Palliative care hastens death”
“Pain is a part of dying”
“I’ve let my family member down because he/she didn’t die at home”
The truth is that hospice support is most effective when accessed soon after a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness has been received.
If you’ve received a life-limiting diagnosis or are approaching the natural end of your life, the goal of hospice care is to focus on what you and your family need and want at any given time, prior to death and during bereavement. Palliative care includes managing pain and symptoms but offers so much more….helps with understanding the ins and outs of your treatment, provides support through in-home visiting volunteers, gives access to much needed respite care for caregivers, provides access to spiritual care and to grief and bereavement support. Together we create a plan for a dignified end-of-life experience.